We are delighted to announce that the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ECEMF) will be organising the next Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) event in 2022 (in Brussels or virtually or in a hybrid format).
EMP-E is a unique event in the energy research calendar as it brings together European policy makers with researchers working across energy and climate as well as stakeholders from industry and civil society.
ECEMF looks to build on the excellent platform that has been developed since the event was founded under the KTH-led REEEM consortium in 2017, most recently organised by the SENTINEL project with support from the OpenEntrance, plan4res, planet, Spine, AURES, Magnitude, NAVIGATE and WHY projects.
Key themes will likely include “Transition to Climate Neutrality”, “Building a European modelling community” and “Open and transparent modelling and data”. The forum will engage with other European projects, the European Commission and members of the forum over the coming months to develop the programme.