EMP-E 2021 Paper Submissions

For all EMP-E 2021 presenters that opted to submit a paper, the deadline will be January 31st. Submission will be via the ORE or F1000Research submission portals and they stand ready to coordinate the review process with you:

Open Research Europe and F1000Research are running a joint collection which will be welcoming contributions from the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) Conference 2021. The collection aims to provide researchers with a space to openly disseminate work within the broad area of energy systems modelling. The scope of the collection includes, but is not limited to: modelling the global energy transition, analysing smart energy systems, exploring the interaction of research and policy, and advancing energy system modelling methods.

The F1000 editorial team will be ready and available to guide you through the submission and peer review process. Authors have the choice of publishing in Open Research Europe, which is currently only available to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries, or in F1000Research, which is open to all researchers. Information on article processing charges for publishing in F1000Research can be found here. For authors publishing in Open Research Europe all charges are covered centrally by the European Commission.