On this page, you can find links to learning material developed by the forum to support your engagement with others in the European climate and energy modelling community. Choose one of the following options.
I am a modeller – I want to participate in the model comparison exercise
I am a policymaker – I want to make use of the insights generated by the forum and understand the tools available
I am a researcher/analyst – I want to access the data and results generated by the project
I am a developer – I want to contribute to the development and enhancement of existing open-source tools for the energy & climate community
We have put together a curated reading list that introduces the concepts of model intercomparison and model linking.
pyam is an open-source Python package that provides a suite of tools and functions for analyzing and visualizing input data and results of integrated-assessment models, macro-energy scenarios, energy systems analysis, and sectoral studies.

The iam-units package is a lightweight Python package for unit conversion in the domain of energy systems and climate models. The package also offers conversions of various emission species to CO2-equivalents using the Global Warming Potential (GWP) metrics from IPCC’s Second, Fourth and Fifth Assessment Reports.
The nomenclature package facilitates working with code lists that follow the format developed by the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) and extended by the Horizon 2020 project openENTRANCE. It supports validation of scenario data and region processing, which consists of renaming and aggregation of model “native regions” to “common regions” used in model-comparison projects such as ECEMF.
The IAMC-community on Zenodo hosts several useful datasets and tools, including the scenario ensemble supporting many quantitative statements in the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Friendly Data facilitates data interchange between energy and climate models and conversion to IAMC format.
We have also published two video tutorials on the ECEMF Youtube that describe the supporting infrastructure of the project Introduction to the IIASA Scenario Explorer and openENTRANCE nomenclature package
pyam is an open-source Python package that provides a suite of tools and functions for analyzing and visualizing input data and results of integrated-assessment models, macro-energy scenarios, energy systems analysis, and sectoral studies.
We plan to develop tutorials on the ECEMF visualisation tools to help you create and share insights.
pyam is an open-source Python package that provides a suite of tools and functions for analyzing and visualizing input data and results of integrated-assessment models, macro-energy scenarios, energy systems analysis, and sectoral studies.
All results are publicly available under a permissive open license per the requirements of the European Commission.
Open-source tools for the energy & climate (modelling) community depend on contributions from numerous volunteers. If you would like to contribute, we suggest that you make contributions to any of the packages or models presented on this page that you find most relevant or useful for your work!
Other Resources
The Energy, Climate and Environment program at IIASA maintains a website of useful resources and training material based on the work and teaching of their staff members.