EMP-E 2020 Call for Abstracts: Poster-Videos

EMP-E 2020 – Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal
Please note this year’s conference will be online

Submission for Poster-Videos is now closed.

We are currently collecting contributions addressing relevant topics to EMP-E 2020 and hereby open the call for abstracts for poster-videos[1] that will be presented and discussed at the 4th Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) 2020 – Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal, which will be held online due to the COVID-19 challenge online from 6th – 8th October, 2020.

Poster-video formats:
There are two different poster-video formats foreseen in the online event, presented in dedicated sessions (“lounges”):

  • Posters-videos presenting models or projects (1 min. video with 2 slides only (1 cover slide[2] & 1 contents slide))
  • Poster-videos summarizing model-based research results linked to EU projects or results focusing on the key topics of EMP-E 2020 listed below (3 min. video with 5 slides maximum (1 cover slide2 & 3-4 contents slides)

Poster-video contributions should be in line with the key topics of the EMP-E 2020:

  • Impact of COVID-19 on the energy system: what happened during the crisis? What are the consequences for future energy modelling?
  • Climate Neutral Pathways, scenarios and storylines: Useful lessons learned and strategies for the European Green Deal
  • Climate neutrality: energy modelling, weather and climate
  • Circularity, use of raw material
    Socio and economic impacts of the transition
  • Consumer and Citizen Engagement
  • Sector integration: Decarbonisation through multi-energy carrier integration
  • Smart cities, Smart grids and digitalization: Modelling insights and lessons learned
  • Infrastructure for integrating models across spatial and sectoral scales to facilitate openness and transparency
  • Energy modelling tools contributions to National Energy/Climate plans
  • Transformation of the Energy system: centralization vs further decentralization
  • Uncertainty and modelling: lessons learned and gaps

Please note that submission for Poster-Videos is now closed.

The notification of acceptance date has also been extended accordingly from 6th September to 11th September 2020.

[1] Note, EMP-E 2020 is organized as an online event and thus the poster presentations will be implemented as short videos in dedicated sessions (1 and 3 minute videos are foreseen); for details see later in the call text on this page.
[2] The cover-slide should contain the following: logo/image, title, name and affiliation of speaker, assignment of contents presented in the poster-video to the main contents covered in the different Plenary Sessions and Focus Group Sessions of the conference programme, using the corresponding acronyms P1, P2, … and FG1, FG2, … respectively. At least 1 or more assignments are desired.

Link to the Special Issue in Journal Energy (Elsevier)
and Submission of Full Papers

Upon notification of acceptance of the poster-video abstract, those contributions presenting research results of model-based EU projects or results focusing on key topics of EMP-E 2020 will be invited to submit a full paper to the

Special Issue of EMP-E 2020: “Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal” of Journal Energy (Elsevier), which will be linked to the EMP-E 2020 conference.

In addition, the EMP-E 2020 Committee will also invite excellent contributions from the plenary sessions and focus groups of EMP-E 2020 to submit a full paper to this Special Issue.

The call text of the Special Issue, instructions for the preparation of the manuscript and the submission timeline are available to download as a PDF.

Contact, Further Information:
For further information regarding the call for poster-video abstracts or the Special Issue, please contact Hans Auer (Leader of EMP-E 2020 Committee)