
ECEMP Special Issues

As it has been the tradition with previous editions of the EMP-E conference, we have continued to invite presentations at the ECEMP conferences (and participants or contributions on the topics of each year’s event) to contribute to Special Issues in international scientific journals.The ECEMP 2022 has published two special issues, which are still in progress…
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ECEMP 2023 is coming back!

ECEMF is happy to announce that we will be organizing this year’s ECEMP conference again. This edition will focus on Net Zero, intermediate targets, and sectoral decarbonization facing geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges and will take place on the 5-6th of October, 2023. We have recently closed the submission process and will soon publish the finalized…
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4th Consortium Meeting

ECEMF recently held its 4th annual meeting in Athens from the 23-25th of May 2023. It was a great occasion to take stock and provide an overview of the different work package updates that have been ongoing in the past year. Work package leaders took the chance to present preliminary results and findings. The different…
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ECEMP 2022 – Submissions are open!

The submissions are now open! We are collecting papers for oral presentations, poster abstracts and skills workshops to contribute to this year’s EMP-E Conference under its new name “European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform (ECEMP)”.  This year’s conference will be planned again as an online event, due to uncertainties regarding the possibility of physical meetings. We will…
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Scenarios Forum 2022

We are delighted to promote the 2022 Scenarios Forum that will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of June at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. The Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures brings together a diverse set of communities who are using or developing scenarios for…
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First EC Project collaboration meeting

On Thursday 13th January 2022, ECEMF hosted the first in a series of collaboration meetings with other European-funded research projects in energy and climate. Participants from the following projects presented a summary of their project, with the aim to identify opportunities for collaboration across data, model comparison, model documentation and transparency, exchanges and capacity building.…
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Announces that ECEMF will organise the next EMP-E in 2022

ECEMF will organise EMP-E 2022

  We are delighted to announce that the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ECEMF) will be organising the next Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) event in 2022 (in Brussels or virtually or in a hybrid format). EMP-E is a unique event in the energy research calendar as it brings together European policy makers…
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Screenshot of the Scenario Explorer video

Introduction to the Scenario Explorer

ECEMF will be using the IIASA database to host results from the model comparison exercise at the centre of the research programme.  For harmonizing model output the IAMC data format extended by the openENTRANCE nomenclature will be utilized. Here, our colleague Daniel Huppmann gave an introduction to the Scenario Explorer:   Here you find an…
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Thumbnails of attendees at the kickoff meeting

ECEMF Kick-Off Meeting

The ECEMF forum will build a European community of #energy and #climate researchers and policy makers to work together to achieve #climateneutrality #H2020. We have a great consortium and are looking to grow our network.